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Nobel Symposium NS160

Chemistry and Physics of Heavy and Superheavy Elements (Bäckaskog Castle, 2016) ParticipantsOrganizing Committee:Prof. Lars Ivar Elding, Lund University, SwedenProf. Claes Fahlander, Lund University, SwedenProf. Dirk Rudolph, Lund University, SwedenProf. Sven Åberg, Lund University, SwedenConference secretariat:Katarina Lindqvist, Lund University, SwedenYulia Lindholm, Lund University, SwedenSuppo

https://www.particle-nuclear.lu.se/ns160/participants - 2025-03-27

Nobel Symposium NS160

Chemistry and Physics of Heavy and Superheavy Elements (Bäckaskog Castle, 2016) Final program Final Program - Session by SessionMonday, May 30:09.00-10.35 INTRODUCTION (Discussion Leader: D. Rudolph)P. Pyykkö, University of HelsinkiM. Leino, University of Jyväskylä11.00-12.25 NUCLEAR STRUCTURE (Discussion Leader: S. Åberg)P.-H. Heenen, University of BrusselsR.M. Clark, Lawrence Berkeley National L

https://www.particle-nuclear.lu.se/ns160/program - 2025-03-27

Nobel Symposium NS160

Chemistry and Physics of Heavy and Superheavy Elements (Bäckaskog Castle, 2016) VenueThe venue of the Nobel Symposium is Bäckaskog Castle (external page), close to the city of Kristianstad in eastern Scania, Sweden. All invited participants enjoy free lodging and a full board Swedish cuisine during the time of the symposium, i.e. May 29th through June 3rd. It is the strong wish of the organizers,

https://www.particle-nuclear.lu.se/ns160/venue-travel - 2025-03-27

Degree projects - Nuclear astrophysics and reactions

We can normally offer diploma projects within each of the three subtopics discussed under the nuclear astrophysics and reactions page. Diploma  projects related to experiments at ISOLDEISOLDE diploma projects are currently focused on data analysis, simulations and machine development. Students within these projects often get the opportunity to spend time, in some cases also the complete project wi

https://www.particle-nuclear.lu.se/experimental-particle-and-nuclear-physics/nuclear-astrophysics-reactions/degree-projects-nuclear-astrophysics-and-reactions - 2025-03-27

Degree projects - BAR

If you are interested in a degree project related to our ongoing projects, please contact Kristina Eriksson Stenström. Available degree projects:Title: Development of the data acquisition system for the ESS beam monitorsSubject area: PhysicsDescription: The European Spallation Source (ESS) is a facility at the forefront of accelerator-based research that will produce an unprecedented thermal neutr

https://www.particle-nuclear.lu.se/experimental-particle-and-nuclear-physics/bar-biospheric-and-anthropogenic-radioactivity/degree-projects-bar - 2025-03-27

Degree projects - HIBEAM & NNBAR

The Lund HIBEAM-NNBAR group is involved in many aspects of the experiment, including but not limited to the design of the annihilation detector and of the software framework, which are currently under intense development by the collaboration. Examples of projects:particle identification and event selection using machine learning techniquesstudy of alternative annihilation detectors for the experim

https://www.particle-nuclear.lu.se/experimental-particle-and-nuclear-physics/hibeam-nnbar/degree-projects-hibeam-nnbar - 2025-03-27

Find the Division

Finding people inside a widely branched building like the Department of Physics can be a daunting task. The Division of Particle and Nuclear Physics is located in the two lower floors of Building K, namely K200 and K300. In case you are looking for a particular person, find the person under people, identify the office number, and come by for a personal visit! This map shows the easiest entrance to

https://www.particle-nuclear.lu.se/contact/find-division - 2025-03-27

SHE - Student Theses

LU student theses in connection with our research on superheavy nuclei and related areas. PhD ThesesYuliia Hrabar, ongoingAnton Såmark-Roth, Spectroscopy along Decay Chains of Element 114, Flerovium, June 2021Christian Lorenz, Quantum-state Selective Nuclear Decay Spectroscopy, January 2019Ulrika Forsberg, Element 115, May 2016MSc ThesesTanvir Sayed, ongoingAnton Roth, Extraction of energy and tim

https://www.particle-nuclear.lu.se/experimental-particle-and-nuclear-physics/nuclear-structure/superheavy-elements/theses - 2025-03-27

SHE - Publications

Main publications on superheavy element research. OverviewD. Rudolph, Results and plans for nuclear spectroscopy of superheavy nuclei: the Lund perspective, Eur. Phys. J. A 58, 242 (2022)D. Rudolph (Editor), Nobel Symposium NS160 – Chemistry and Physics of Heavy and Superheavy Elements, EPJ Web of Conferences 131 (2016)U. Forsberg et al., A new assessment of the alleged link between element 115 an

https://www.particle-nuclear.lu.se/experimental-particle-and-nuclear-physics/nuclear-structure/superheavy-elements/publications - 2025-03-27


LU student theses in connection with our research within the HISPEC/DESPEC experiment and its earlier incarnations at GSI Darmstadt. PhD ThesesNataša Lalović, Nuclear Structure Studies near 208Pb and γ-ray Imaging Techniques, June 2017Robert Hoischen, Isotope-selective Spectroscopy: Fast Timing R&D and fp-Shell Mirror Isomers, March 2011Milena Mineva, Spectroscopic Studies of Isomers Produced in R

https://www.particle-nuclear.lu.se/experimental-particle-and-nuclear-physics/nuclear-structure/hispecdespec-experiment/theses - 2025-03-27

Astronomical Resources

LUB Search Books and Journals available at the Lund University Libraries Research Portal Search information about LU researchers, research projects, publications etc. ADS Search the SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System LUBcat The Library catalogue at Lund University The Lund University Libraries The Astronomy Library is a part of the Lund University Libraries LUP Student Papers Search for master thes

https://www.astro.lu.se/Library/astronomical-resources - 2025-03-27

Milky Way Panorama

In the beginning of the 1950's, prof Knut Lundmark at Lund Observatory suggested a stylish Milky Way panaroma in an Aitoff projection of the sky. With support from Hierta-Retzius fond and Kungl. Fysiografiska Sällskapet i Lund, the engineers Martin Kesküla and Tatjana Kesküla painted a metre map showing the galactic coordinates, 7000 stars, and the Milky Way in this very projection. NOTE: This ima

https://www.astro.lu.se/Library/milky-way-panorama - 2025-03-27

Information for visiting researchers

The Division of Astrophysics has moved from Sölvegatan 27 to Professorsgatan 1. Our offices are on the top floor of building A. The physics and astronomy library can also be found in the physics building. Traveling to Lund  Please note that the nearest international airport to us is in Copenhagen.  From there the train ride to Lund takes ca 40 minutes.  The easiest way to get from the Lund central

https://www.astro.lu.se/peoplelist/information-visiting-researchers - 2025-03-27

Exoplanets and planet formation

At Lund Observatory we study planets orbiting distant star – exoplanets.  We are particularly interested in the formation of exoplanets in gaseous protoplanetary discs, the stability and survivability of planetary systems and exoplanetary atmospheres. Listed bellow are a few of our ongoing projects. Observing exoplanet atmospheres with state-of-the-art spectrographs Researchers include: Jens Hoeji

https://www.astro.lu.se/research/planetary-science - 2025-03-27

Stars and stellar populations

Understanding different stellar populations within our galaxy (and nearby galaxies) can tell us much about the history of our local Universe.  Here you find a few examples of the stellar populations we research here at Lund Observatory: Galactic archaeology - mapping the stellar populations of the Milky Way Researchers include: Nils Ryde, Thomas Bensby, Ross Church, Govind Nandakumar, Brian Thorsb

https://www.astro.lu.se/Research/stars-and-stellar-populations - 2025-03-27

Space missions & instrumentation

At Lund Observatory we have a long tradition of both instrument and telescope development. This tradition continues today as our astronomers are involved in several big international collaborations to both design and use the observing tools of tomorrow. Here are a few examples: Gaia - the billion star surveyor Researchers include:  Lennart Lindegren, David Hobbs, Paul McMillan, Eero Vaher Learn mo

https://www.astro.lu.se/Research/space-missions-instrumentation - 2025-03-27

Previous seminars: 2016-2020

  HT2020  VT2020  HT2019  VT2019  HT2018  VT2018  HT2017  VT2017  HT2016  VT2016    FALL 2020 2020-09-03     Brian Metzger, Columbia University     Shocking New Insights into Classical Novae 2020-09-10 (POSTPONED UNTIL SPRING)     Alyson Brooks, Rutgers     Small Statistics No More: a suite of simulated dwarf galaxies to interpret observations 2020-09-17     Leonardi Testi, ESO     Protoplanetary

https://www.astro.lu.se/LundObservatory/previous-seminars-2016-2020 - 2025-03-27


The Lund Observatory Library is a part of the Physics and Astronomy Library, which now has its own website there. In the astronomy building you find the library on the second floor.  Our librarian, Eva Jurlander, is happy to help if you are looking for a specific astronomical resource.  Older journal publications are kept in the basement but can be retrieved upon request. The astronomy building is

https://www.astro.lu.se/Library - 2025-03-27

Galactic Archaeology

The main aim of my research is to unravel the origin and evolution of large spiral galaxies like our own Milky Way. This is best done by by probing and mapping in detail the age, chemical abundance, and kinematical properties of its main structural components. To do this I have utilised different tracers: dwarf stars in the solar neighbourhood, red giant stars in the inner and outer regions of the

https://www.astro.lu.se/~tbensby/galactic-archaeology - 2025-03-27

Education in astronomy and astrophysics

The Division of Astrophysics is, as of January 2023, a part of the Department of Physics and the astronomy education is now one of the many specializations they offer. Bachelor programme Once you decide to join us, to study astronomy and hopefully pursue a career as an astronomer, you start by enrolling to the Bachelor programme in astronomy and astrophysics. After three years of studies you will

https://www.astro.lu.se/Education - 2025-03-27